采 新 包 裝 有 限 公 司
New Mining Packing Co., Ltd.
已於2022年通過 FSC® 驗證 (FSC® C183048 ) 合格廠商,邀企業一同守護地球,為永續環境開一扇美麗的窗!

證書 SGSHK-COC-360150


All in for forests
Just as we depend on forests, forests depend on us. At the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) we unite individuals, businesses, governments, and NGOs under a common goal: protecting healthy, resilient forests for all, forever.
We are FSC® certified (FSC® C183048 )
Paper and packaging / Certified materials for a sustainable future
Forest-friendly paper is good for business
Paper and packaging are some of the most widely used forest-based products, so ensuring they are sustainably sourced is crucial to protecting healthy, resilient forests. FSC® certification allows you to provide the responsible choices consumers want and demonstrate your commitment to forests worldwide.